Standish Parks & Recreation
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Future Community Center

Community Center Update:
2003-2008: Community Center plans explored and presented to Town Council and was
                    not approved to move forward to voters.

          2019: Town Council approves Parks & Recreation Needs Assessment 
                    conducted by the University of New Hampshire and includes focus groups and town-wide survey

          2019: CDBG planning grant awarded for feasibility study ($20,000).
                      - Voters approve funding for
                         feasibility study.

                      - Architectural firm, Simons Architects of Portland, selected to conduct
                        feasibility study to 
design conceptual
                        plan and narrow down site selection.

                      - Community Center Steering
                        Committee appointed by 
                        Council for 1 year term.

          2020: Community Center plans and feasibility study available to the public for
                    comment (spring).
          2021:  Global Pandemic and increased costs delay plans to move ahead to voters.
                     Council votes to appoint a new committee to revise design plans and explore more options with Simons Architects
          2022: Referendum for Community Center (November election) was
                    not approved to move forward to voters..

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