Standish Parks & Recreation
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Unified T-Ball Register View Cart

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Unified T-Ball Mission:

This program will provide an opportunity for players with intellectual and physical challenges to learn the benefits of T-ball in an environment that will be fun and also be adapted to help with their participation.

- If you sign up past the deadline you will get a T-Shirt and hat but you won't get it for about 2 weeks after sign up.


Where: Standish Memorial Park (Softball Fields) 


K/12th Grade   $60.00/Participant

     Wednesday's 4:30pm-6:00pm

K/12th Grade Co-Ed T-Ball: (In House Program)

  This is a clinic based program designed for younger players that will be a fun and engaging introduction to Baseball in a supportive environment. The focus is on basic skills, coordination, and having fun.

*We are unable to accommodate special requests for team placement. If you are a coach of a team, your child will be placed on the team you coach. 

Volunteer Coaches:
The success of this program relies heavily on parent volunteers. No experience is necessary! We can help you. If you enjoy working with kids and can follow a weekly curriculum provided by the recreation department, then you are well on your way to making a positive impact on a child in your community! We need you! You will always be teamed up with a co-coach, so you won't have to handle it alone. 

In the event of game cancellations due to poor weather conditions, there will be a message on the Recreation Department's website and Facebook page. This message will not be posted until 4:00pm during the week or 8:00am for Saturday games. The message will only be posted if the game has been cancelled - if there is no message you should assume all games will be played. Games might not be made up due to weather.

For more information and to register visit:

Additional questions? Email:


Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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K-12th Grade T-Ball 
5y - 22y K - 12 04/23/2025 - 05/28/2025
04:30 PM - 06:00 PM

Standish Memorial Park (Municipal)
$60.00 R, $60.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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