Standish Parks & Recreation
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April Vacation Adventures Register View Cart

April 18th - Color Me Mine @ GEJ school
Have your child join us for a fun day of care at GEJ school. We will be bringing over pottery from Color Me Mine for all participants to paint. Once they have completed their masterpiece, we will bring it back to Color Me Mine to be finished, and you will be able to pick it up from us the following week.
Please note that April 18th is a separate registration from April Vacation Adventures, April 22nd - April 25th

April 22nd - Spare Time
April 23rd - Hilltop Fun Center
April 24th - Seacoast Science Center
April 25 - Egg Drop Challenge @ GEJ school
A full week of fun trips and activities! We will kick our week off at Spare Time to get our bowl on, play in the arcade and get in a round of laser tag. Then visit Hilltop Fun Center for go karts, batting cages, mini golf, and arcade time, follow it up with a visit to Seacoast Science Center to learn more about aquatic life and explore Odirorne Point State Park, and close out the week with a fun Egg Drop challenge at GEJ school.

  • Please send your child with lunch, snacks, water, and sneakers each day.
  • Parent drop off with be at George E Jack daily. Please have your child dropped off by 9:00 AM at the latest. 
  • Parent pick up will be between 4:00 - 5:30 PM. On Wednesday and Thursday we will be gone from the school for the entirety of the day, however on any of the other days if you wish to pick up before 4:00 PM, please just notify one of the staff at drop off so they can have your child ready for you.
  • Please note that trips are subject to change.

For any additional questions, please contact Nikki Billingslea, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation
Office  - (207)642-2875
Email -

Register Activity Ages Grades Days Date/Time Fees
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Color Me Mine @ GEJ 
N/A K - 5 04/18/2025
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM

George E. Jack School (MSAD 6)
$55.00 R, $55.00 NR
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April Vacation Adventures 
N/A K - 5 TuWThF  04/22/2025 - 04/25/2025
07:30 AM - 05:30 PM

George E. Jack School (MSAD 6)
$215.00 R, $215.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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