- Practice Schedule Will be released at the end of November.
- Practices will be held once a week for each team.
-Registrations close November 29th!
- If you sign up past the deadline you will get a T-Shirt/Jersey but you won't get it for about 2 weeks after sign up.
Times: TBD
Where: George E. Jack School, Grades 1-12 Edna Libby school, Pre-K & K
Pre-K/Kindergarten $55.00/participant
Grades: 1st-6th $70.00/participant
Pre-K Co-Ed Basketball:
(Practices Monday's from 5:30pm-6-30pm)
This is a clinic based program designed for younger players that will be a fun and engaging introduction to Basketball in a supportive environment. The focus is on basic skills, coordination, and having fun.
We will have a 2 week break for the holiday's.
Kindergarten Co-Ed Basketball:
(Practices Tuesday's from 5:30pm-6:30pm)
This is a clinic based program designed for younger players that will be a fun and engaging introduction to Basketball in a supportive environment. The focus is on basic skills, coordination, and having fun.
We will have a 2 week break for the holiday's.
Grades 1 & 2 Basketball:
(Games on Saturday's)
Players will be placed on teams, and depending on registrations, it may be co-ed, with a volunteer coach (volunteer coaches needed). There will be one practice during the week and a game played against other Standish teams on Saturday mornings. An emphasis will be placed on skill development, fun, and field positioning.
Grades 3 & 4 Basketball:
(Games on Saturday's)
Players will be placed on teams, and depending on registrations, it may be co-ed, with a volunteer coach (volunteer coaches needed). There will be one practice each week and a game played against surrounding communities on Saturdays. Parents should expect to travel to games outside of Standish.
Grades 5 - 6 Basketball:
(Games on Saturday's)
Players will be placed on teams, and depending on the registrations, it may be co-ed, with a volunteer coach (volunteer coaches need). There will be one practice on Thursdays and games played against surround communities on Saturdays. This is a recreation travel team which will have 1-2 practices per week and then a game on Saturdays. Parents should expect to travel to games outside of Standish.
Middle School (7th & 8th Grade) Registrations Close Dec 5th!
Game Nights: Wednesdays
Location: South Portland Community Center
Dates: 1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19, (Regular season) Playoffs 2/26, 3/5
Fee: Outside Organization Teams $350
Registration Deadline: Friday December 6th
Mandatory Coaches Meeting: Thursday December 12th 5:00-6:00pm South Portland Community Center
High School (9th-12th Grade) ( Not playing for ANY LEVEL High School Basketball Team) Registrations Close Dec 5th!
Game Nights: Tuesdays
Location: South Portland Community Center
Dates: 1/7, 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, (Regular season) Playoffs 2/25, 3/4,3/11
Fee: Outside Organization Teams $350
Registration Deadline: Friday December 6th
Mandatory Coaches Meeting: Monday December 9th 5:45-6:45pm South Portland Community Center
*We are unable to accommodate special requests for team placement. If you are a coach of a team, your child will be placed on the team you coach. Each age division will practice on the same day and time regardless of team placement.
Volunteer Coaches:
The success of this program relies heavily on parent volunteers. No experience is necessary! We can help you. If you enjoy working with kids and can follow a weekly curriculum provided by the recreation department, then you are well on your way to making a positive impact on a child in your community! We need you! You will always be teamed up with a co-coach, so you won't have to handle it alone. A 50% program fee credit will be applied to all volunteer coaches at the end of the season. Please be sure to fill out the volunteer paperwork before the start of Basketball season!
In the event of game cancellations due to poor weather conditions, there will be a message on the Recreation Department's website and Facebook page. This message will not be posted until 4:00pm during the week or 8:00am for Saturday games. The message will only be posted if the game has been cancelled - if there is no message you should assume all games will be played. Games might not be made up due to weather.
For more information and to register visit:
Additional questions? Email: robrienhalla@standish.org